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SparkAlpha Final Pitch, 4-28-22.jpg

Since its inception in 2019, the Spark Photonics Foundation has been working to revolutionize STEM education in Massachusetts. Our innovative project-based learning initiative, SparkAlpha, introduces K-14 students to the dynamic realms of advanced manufacturing and entrepreneurship through the lens of integrated photonics and semiconductors. This immersive journey culminates in a final pitch showcase where students unveil their business plans and products to a live audience and panel.  Through strategic partnerships with leading colleges and companies, we immerse students in educational and career pathways vital to these fields.


With the recent win of a Department of Defense Manufacturing Engineering Education Program (DoD MEEP) grant, the Spark Photonics Foundation launched SparkAlpha Explore, a train-the-teacher model. This initiative empowers K–14 educators to lead SparkAlpha iterations in their classrooms, offering invaluable professional development (PD) opportunities. Through SparkAlpha Explore, teachers gain access to relevant PD and become part of a thriving community of practice, enriching their capabilities and expanding the program's impact.


Join us in shaping the future of STEM education! Interested in SparkAlpha Explore for your school? Use this form to learn more! 

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